A Grandpa’s Wish: A Bright Future for All Kansas Students

Long before he began working with the Learning Quest 529 team as Kansas State Treasurer, Lynn Rogers understood the challenges of planning for college. As president of the Board of Education in Wichita, he saw firsthand how rising college costs can limit opportunities for young Kansans. And how paying off those costs can be a burden that affects students for years.

Today, Lynn and his wife are investing in the future of their grandkids by contributing to Learning Quest 529 accounts. It should come as no surprise that someone in Lynn’s position appreciates the value of budgeting. That’s why they invest on birthdays, holidays and special occasions throughout the year.

For Lynn’s grandchildren, college is a long way off. And he loves the fact that their 529 funds are flexible. When the time finally comes, they can be used for a traditional 4- or 2-year college, technical school or even some K-12 expenses. The account is fast and easy to set up. And while his main focus is on the kids, the tax benefits help those who contribute.

Lynn’s advice: Don’t wait. Get started today.

The availability of tax or other state benefits (such as financial aid, scholarship funds and protection from creditors) may be conditioned on meeting certain requirements, such as residency, purpose for or timing of distributions, or other factors.